Monday, February 21, 2011

The off season was not so off....

Hello to all of my weary winter readers! With the season about the start up again, I thought it fitting to give an update on how the off season went.

It started off well. The talented Jane Staton came to take pictures of Connie and I in our training back in November. That was fun, but I am sorry to say that Connie's training since has not gone well. Jousting horses are very special and not all horses can be such. While I consider Connie very special, she does not seem to have what it takes to be a jouster. Since I am getting married and moving back to the city anyway, I am looking for a good home for her. She would make an excellent brood mare. Oh yeah, I am getting married. That is probably news to some of you. The off season has not been so off *big smile*.

For now, let's go back to November:
Connie has a very sweet disposition and is smarter than your average draft horse. If for nothing else, because she has learned simple human sign language. She will nod her head if you have something she wants, and will shake her head if she is uncomfortable or unhappy. Unlike some horses where it is hard to tell if something is wrong, Connie makes it easier. I love her to death.

She can be stubborn and strong willed when she chooses to be. This is a great picture of that...and a great picture of my bad form lol. Oh well.
Ah, that's better.

I love this picture. It is so cute! This is one of Jane's little girls. She looks smaller than she is. Remember, Connie is 17.2 hands.
Scritches after a long, hard ride.
The bridle comes off...
...and Connie's favorite part: me rubbing where she sweated underneath her bridle.
Her "I hate you for getting my head wet" face.
Thank you very much for coming out, Jane. It was fun and I hope you had fun as well!

On a personal note, I am getting married. He proposed on Christmas Day and I said yes, of course. The wedding is in August (so excited!). For those of you who might worry, he is very supportive and encouraging of my jousting. Truly, I have been blessed with a great guy. And no, I am not wearing armor on my wedding day, haha. I may be what some consider a "tom boy", but I am still rather feminine and wish to wear a dress. A white dress :).

This coming weekend will be the first time I have jousted since the Ohio fair. It should prove interesting. May be really entertaining. My intended, Scott, will be joining me in Florida to do so, and will get to see jousting behind the scenes...and how crazy I really am, haha. Right now I am so nervous! After not jousting for a few months I hope I still have what it takes and more! Ack...
Still, it will be nice to see my jousting family!

I am not sure how often I will be jousting between now and the Ohio fair, but whenever I do I will try and post a blog update to let you guys know how everything goes. Thank you for reading and thank you for all of your support!

~Off to the lyst!~